tài xỉu trực tuyến Nền tảng đáng tin cậy

Along with the robust development of architectural construction, urban buildings continuously emerge, providing ample opportunities for the lush field known as "Interior Design" – a relatively new industry with promising prospects for the future!

DIVERSE: With various areas encompassing design, production, installation, maintenance, consulting, and business, graduates in interior design always have abundant career opportunities upon graduation.

COLORFUL: Vietnamese interior design is diverse in design styles and materials, ranging from classical to modern, from wood to metal, from minimalistic to innovative.

MULTIFACETED: The Vietnamese interior design industry caters to the needs of diverse customers and various projects.

Let's delve deeper into the Interior Design field and explore the panoramic view of its potential in the new era together with Phu Xuan University.

1. Overview of the Interior Design Industry – A Profession Leading Employment Trends

Interior Design is a synthesis of art, aesthetics, and technical science based on the harmonious coordination of color, light, architectural aesthetics, and decorative elements to organize living spaces, workspaces, relaxation spaces, meeting the needs of space users.

Interior Design has become a field with a high demand for human resources in recent years, opening up numerous career opportunities with attractive income. Additionally, given the rapid changes of the digital age, the Interior Design industry is increasingly attractive to the Gen Z generation. Technological advancements in the industry have become invaluable aids for the younger workforce.

2. What Does the Interior Design Industry Study? What Qualities Are Needed?

Interior Design students are trained from basic to advanced levels, delving into specialization and practical knowledge. This helps learners understand the professional working process clearly. Additionally, there are specialized programs to help students develop experiences, creative thinking, and innovative design skills.

Sinh viên ngành Thiết kế nội thất tài xỉu trực tuyến
 (Huế) tham gia chuỗi "điền dã" thực tế tại Cung An Định
Students majoring in Interior Design at Phu Xuan University (Hue) participate in the practical "field fill" series at An Dinh Palace.

Interior Design students should possess fundamental qualities such as:

– Aesthetic sensibility regarding color, good spatial awareness

– Passion for exploration, observation, and learning about trends

– Ability to withstand high pressure

– Proficiency in using design software 

3. With the unemployment rate reaching its lowest point, what are the broad job opportunities in the Interior Design industry?

Interior Design is the fastest-growing field in demand for human resources, and interior design activities are becoming increasingly professional. Graduates in Interior Design can take on roles in various areas:

* Designing interior structures for civil, public, and industrial projects

* Supervising the construction of interior projects

* Interior space design artist

* Product interior design artist

* Consultation in training or teaching

* Freelance

* Designing communication materials, brand development, and construction

* Establishing specialized companies or businesses in the field

4. What subject combinations does the Interior Design industry admit? What is the standard score for Interior Design?

Interior Design has the industry code 7580108. Candidates interested in Interior Design can choose from the following subject combinations:

  • A00 (Math, Physics, Chemistry)
  • A01 (Math, Physics, English)
  • B00 (Math, Chemistry, Biology)
  • D01 (Math, Literature, English)
  • D14 (Literature, History, English)
  • D15 (Literature, Geography, English)

Currently, there are various methods for admission to the Interior Design major based on the results of the high school graduation exam. The admission score also varies depending on the number of registered candidates or the competitiveness of the entrance exam. In addition, the method of admission based on academic records is also applied at some universities to reduce the exam pressure on candidates. At Phu Xuan University, candidates can now apply for admission based on their academic records with a combination of 3 subjects totaling 18 points (candidates who score 16.5 points or higher in the interview are eligible for direct admission to the regular university).

5. Where should one study Interior Design in Hue?

Right in Hue, you can study Interior Design at Phu Xuan University. In 2023, PXU officially opened this major with the following details:

  • Training level: University
  • Training form: Formal
  • Training duration: 3 years

The Bachelor of Interior Design program at Phu Xuan University is built based on the practical needs of the job, emphasizing high applicability. The university regularly organizes various activities to connect with businesses and interact with experts in the field. Especially, it establishes many beneficial academic playgrounds for students to develop comprehensively in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitude. 

 tài xỉu trực tuyến
 đào tạo ngành Thiết kế nội chất lượng, phù hợp xu hướng thị trường
Phu Xuan University provides high-quality Interior Design education that aligns with market trends.

6. What sets apart the Interior Design program at Phu Xuan University?

Phu Xuan University is a pioneer in applying the Learning Office model – learning as if working and Project-Based Learning – with a practical duration of up to 70%, allowing students to immerse themselves in the specific tasks of the industry right in the university classroom. The program optimizes time, providing early access to fundamental and applied knowledge in the field.

The teaching staff consists of entrepreneurs and experts in interior design who directly instruct practical profession-oriented courses. Additionally, the program maintains a close-knit collaboration between the University and businesses following the CDIO standard, offering unique creative projects for students and instructors. Students engage in internships at companies with immediate salaries starting from the second year. 

Chuyến “du học” của sinh viên Thiết kế nội thất PXU đến trụ sở của một trong những công ty thiết kế nổi tiếng với phong cách độc đáo tại Huế - Công ty Limdim House.
The "study abroad" experience for Interior Design students at PXU includes visits to the headquarters of a renowned design company with a unique style in Hue – Limdim House.

The Bachelor's program in Interior Design at Phu Xuan University lasts only three years and commits to securing employment for 100% of students immediately upon graduation. 

Thực chiến ngay từ năm 01 với chương trình đào tạo thực chiến liên kết Nhà trường – Doanh nghiệp
Real-world application starts from the first year with a practical training program linking the University and businesses.

strengths transcript evaluation - direct admission to the regular university program! 

If you possess aesthetic sensibility, spatial arrangement skills, and a passion for exploring new and unique interior trends, become a new student at Phu Xuan University today to shorten the path to success in the future. The university is currently offering various attractive incentives and scholarships, such as three years of dormitory support, and scholarships covering up to 100% of tuition fees. Prospective students can find more information here.

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